Cardio Boxing

Mar 09, 2021

The more we specialise in group boxing sessions (wellll over a decade now) the more we realise that every trainer than ever trained a person wanting to be trained was right: BOXING IS THE BEST WAY TO MAKE CARDIO ENJOYABLE!!

When you realise that you can actually have a great workout AND a great time – motivation to train goes through the roof.

And yet so many people are still hell bent on doing the same ol’ thing or going it alone feeling bored, lonely and stuck in a rut….and we wanna help, which is why we make it SO EASY to sign up for membership with us at Geelong Boxing Club.

If you are looking for a way to shake things up in your life, buying into our 3 month membership is just what you need right now.

In our 3 months together? You can attend as many of our group sessions as you like and we will get you to that moment where the clouds part, the cardio angels sing, and you thank your lucky stars you found a way to hate exercise a little less.

Want more info? Shoot us through a DM to let us know what questions we can answer for you today