Covid-19 Safety Plan

Jun 02, 2020

Geelong Boxing Club COVID-19 Safety Plan as of JUNE 2020

Assumption of the Risk & Waiver of Liability relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19


New Safety and Cleaning Procedures:


All staff and coaches have completed COVID-19 Infection training.


The staff and coaches have the option to wear masks and gloves if they choose to. Members have the choice to bring their masks and gloves from home to use.


Casual usage of the gym is not available until further notice, only members or registered ten pack power pass holders may access the gym.


Online classes are still available for those not ready to come back to the gym, until further notice.


All equipment has been washed and the gym sprayed before re-opening.


New cleaning chemicals and soap has been purchased for the new cleaning systems.


New cleaning roster has been designed with many more cleaning checks of frequent touch point surface areas such as door handles.


Social distancing applied in all areas of the gym.


The children’s area is unavailable until further notice.


Use of lounge seating is unavailable until further notice.


In Classes:


No touch policy has been implemented in teaching classes. Verbal cues are to be used instead.


There will be no partnered workouts until further notice.


Members are to remain within their designated spacing marks.

There is to be no sharing of equipment during sessions.


Class timetable allows 15 minutes between classes to allow time for people to leave the gym before others enter.


Member Responsibilities:


Members asked to stay at home and not use the facility if unwell or have symptoms.


Members should enter the gym no more than 5 minutes before the scheduled class time. We ask that you wait in your car if you arrive early. Do not congregate at the front door of the gym.


Current Members and New members as well as ten pack power pass holders will be asked to sign a waiver relating to COVID-19.


Members are asked to abide by social distance laws 1.5m between other members and Geelong Boxing Club staff and coaches.


Members must bring their own towel to each session.


Members need to wipe down equipment after usage before they leave the gym with cleaning products supplied.


Members are to leave the gym asap after their session has been completed and equipment is wiped down.


Please remember to smile at others, live with kindness, we are in this together.




In the event there is a reported COVID-19 positive case in the gym the relative authorities will be contacted and the members who had potential contact will be notified. The gym will be disinfected to ensure it is safe to resume sessions.

Assumption of the Risk & Waiver of Liability relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19