Our Commitment To You

community Dec 21, 2022

“Monkey see, monkey do” is a famous phrase that captures the human tendency to imitate.

That’s a fancy way of saying - be careful of who you hang around because sooner or later you will start to reflect each other.

When’s the last time you had a good belly laugh? Is there anything better?

Today, we are offering up this snap taken at a 3 year olds bday party (that explains the costumes) in a moment where 3 mates shared a laugh.

That right there - it’s priceless.

Of all the things we have built in business - the community we have created in our corner of North Geelong is ultimately what gets us out of bed every day.

@stonecoldstevemoxon @jshingles & @moniquemedved are bound through the kind of friendship that 90s sitcoms were all written about.

They all met through Geelong Boxing Club & they are all VASTLY different people today compared to who they were when they first met.

Each have grown in different ways - each have supported each other’s evolution.

Building relationships is a skill. Just like boxing. It’s something we will continue to talk about, highlight and celebrate ... just as much as the progress we make in training.

Because honestly - landing an impressive combination on the boxing bag feels GREAT but it’s nothing compared to genuine connection and mateship that offers up belly laughs like this.

Our commitment to you - is that we will hold space for you to join our community and we will meet you with kindness and curiosity.

We want to know you too.

This is not some tight knit clique. We actually don’t go wayyyy back.

We are just here - in this moment, enjoying each other’s company and putting in work in the gym (oh yeah - should mention that we are leaders within our industry and also committed to delivering exceptional group fitness sessions)

Join us.

We mean it.

We would love to introduce you to boxing for fitness AND have a good belly laugh with you too.