How To Press Your Own Reset Button

Apr 29, 2020
Geelong Boxing Club
How To Press Your Own Reset Button

Adrian has spent the last few years motivating, supporting and inspiring people from around the world to invest in themselves, make lifestyle changes and reclaim their own personal power.

He spent years as a coach in Phuket, Thailand before moving to Bali and then being inconvenienced by Covid-19 and having to shift his mindset (and his whole life) for the time being.

Listen in as he describes the reset protocols he relies on to ensure he is living as an “awesome human”.

These simple, straightforward steps to set yourself up for success will inspire you to take the lead in your own life too.


I am so excited to share Adrian with you all – why?

The story runs deep into my past.

Over the weekend I dug deep into my memory to walk you through one of the most secretly frustrating journeys Ive ever walked through: my self sabotage. In particular, the demeaning way I would demand a certain display of discipline from myself when it came to making strides towards the goals I had set for myself within business.

I would fuel myself with the words of mentors and experts, gurus and guides and dive into the week ahead of me clutching a long list of MUST ACTION items and an almost crippling fear of failure. I was exhausted. But, an eternal optimist – I found it within myself to believe that if I just gave it one final push this week, I might hit that illusive revenue record I was blazing for. Here’s what I was missing – the pressure I was putting on myself was immense. The world load, ludicris. The self talk – scathing. I had set myself up to fail.

Whats worse was that in setting myself up to fail, I didn’t just fail to reach the goals set, I failed to make any progress whatsoever! We self sabotage so that we don’t have to face failure. We come up with justifications and excuses and play a hard core blame game that gets us off the hook for this week – and pushes us to start planning for next week instead.

The success I already had and the remarkable growth I was in fact producing was overlooked because I was always aiming for more. I called it driven. I believed it was ambition. I hoped it was the key to fulfilment. It wasn’t.
It eroded my spirit.

As the story goes, moments of defeat often saw me booking a ticket and flying to my favourite sun drenched corner of the world. As the sun hit my skin and my feet touched the sand I would let go of materialism, comparison and competitiveness and simply be. It was instant. It was magic.
It was there, on that island that I met individuals that helped
reframe my view of the world. These connections will forever be held sacred to me because they were forged at a time that I was completely disconnected from myself. These people helped me to recalibrate and regain sight of my true north. They had no idea of the impact they had on me.

Last night I had the opportunity to sit down and catch up with Adrian Allen with the intention of sharing his energy and insights with my entire community. His honest, straightforward recount of the struggles he has faced during quarantine and the way he has consciously chosen to bring structure to his day to be a more ‘awesome’ version of himself is inspiring.

Its genius in its simplicity and more importantly – it’s a shining example of what happens when you actually allow yourself to build a relationship of integrity, respect, and compassion with yourself.

Setting yourself up for SUCCESS will not only feel better, it will produce better results.