Lessons from our 9 month old (bringing us back to basics!)
Dec 19, 2018I wonder when we made eating so complicated? At what stage in our lives did it happen that food goes from simply being our energy source to something that we obsess over? Whether you call yourself a ‘foodie’ or you battle with over eating – food is a huge part of our day. Tyson has been enjoying food for the past few months and for me, it has highlighted just how ridiculously we treat food as adults. As his mama, I select foods that are appropriate for him. I choose a wide range of whole foods and combine sensible ratios of protein, carbohydrates and fats. I look at his nutritional intake over the course of a week to make sure its colourful, wholesome and meets his needs for his age and stage.
I respond to the way he responds to certain foods. Ive learned too much zucchini makes for one very gassy bub! If I include chia seeds too often, I have to ensure I give him plenty of water or he will have trouble filling his nappy (if you know what I mean). I let his body dictate which foods I reduce or eliminate – and if he gobbles something up without fuss…Ill offer it again and again! Its simple really. He doesn’t need me to present it beautifully or demand variety. Tonight for dinner he simply ate pumpkin, avocado and chicken breast. And do you know what ? He is absolutely thriving.
Whole foods. If they are good enough for our precious bubs – why do we feed ourselves any differently?
Its a great reminder to bring everything back to basics.
Keep it simple. Nourish your body. Thrive.