Light The Fire Within & Action Your Intentions NOW!

Nov 08, 2017

Slowly but surely – the weather is starting to warm up in Geelong! Can you feel it ?

The year is flying by – we are already well and truly on the downward slope to the end of the year! Here at Geelong Boxing Club, we are doing a stocktake of our personal health and fitness progress this year. What habits have we developed and allowed ourselves to keep? Are they moving us towards our goals? Could we do more ? Are we doing too much? What could we do to improve tomorrow, today? Between us all in our team, 2017 has been a HUGE year with many personal goals quietly smashed! From earning a second world title, to competing in weightlifting competitions, to letting a strong healthy body fulfil life long hopes and dreams.

Why do we carve out time to stop and make these reflections? Our belief is that rather than waiting until New Years Eve to reflect on our journey, our progress and our results – we should take time to do it right now!

With time still remaining until the end of the year, there is still plenty of time to bring clarity to what we want to achieve, build a strong plan of attack – and forge ahead! We want to ensure that we finish this year feeling proud and accomplished.

We teach our passion – and so right here and now, we encourage you to take a few moments to reflect upon yourself and your progress.

Think back to the beginning of the year. What intentions did you have for this year? What promises did you make to yourself? Why was this year going to be different ? Have you actioned these intentions?


Before the rest of the year flies by, now is the time to hold yourself accountable and make a plan of attack! Here are  5 simple Questions to ask yourself to quickly take stock of how you are travelling this year:

  1. Am I currently living as the best version of myself? If I continue doing what I am doing, will I be happy with that this time next year?
  2. Do I feel confident that my exercise and nutrition habits are setting me up for long term health outcomes?
  3. Am I remaining in my comfort zone ? Could I challenge myself to find out what I am truly capable of ?
  4. Have I made positive progress since this time last year?
  5. Am I proud of what I have achieved so far in this year?

These questions should not leave you feeling disappointed. If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, let it be the fuel that lights your fire to make changes now!

If you know you need to make some changes to improve your health and fitness, reaching out to a supportive coaches and a community of strong, healthy happy people can be invaluable. Ensuring that you have the right people around you can reawaken you and ensure you are rounding out the year with energy ! Don’t put off what you can do right now – make this the year that you really did action your intentions!