NEWSFLASH GIRLS : Weight Training wont make you “BULK UP”

Oct 24, 2018

Girls. Please. I beg you.

Stop holding back in the gym because you are afraid of ‘bulking up’. It is no secret that we (and anyone that has a clue in the fitness industry) strongly recommend that women include weight training in their weekly exercise routine.

I am passionate about supporting all members, but particularly women in becoming confident in training with weights – particularly free weights. I completely understand that trying anything new can be a little intimidating and our programming allows for people to modify the workout to suit their level of fitness and experience.

However – our programming does not allow for people to just cruise through a session. We want you to challenge yourself. You should be pushing hard and sweating your guts out in our sessions (you’ll love to hate it!).

As we make progress and our body adapts to training – it is important that we keep challenging ourselves to ensure the workouts remain effective. In strength and conditioning sessions this may mean that in time you will be able to lift heavier weights.

It is at this point in the journey that we sometimes get resistance from members. Women will say “I don’t want to lift any heavier than this – because I don’t want to bulk up”.


Im going to be blatantly honest (because I cant help myself!). When I hear someone say that – I want to scream. Internally I give an immediate lecture and jump up and down until that strong, powerful, capable woman picks up a heavier weight and makes the most of her time in the gym.

Instead – I patiently explain why they should reconsider and outline the reasons why they wont “bulk up”.

If you are new to weight training – you may not be aware that you wont just “bulk up” when you start lifting. Body builders undergo very specific hypertrophy training programs lifting VERY heavy weights and eating very specific meal plans in order to gain muscle mass. Gaining muscle mass does not happen accidentally. It requires dedication, commitment and discipline.

That aside, women produce far less testosterone than men (as little as 5-10% of what a typical man may produce!). This means we simple CANT put on muscle as quickly. To “bulk up” you would also need to follow a specific muscle gain program and EAT and EAT and EAT for muscle gain! Women who work hard to look strong should be commended. You cant fake strong and fit. A body you build cannot be taken away from you. You earn that look one rep at a time – its not easy and it doesn’t happen simply by incorporating some weight training into your workout!

Typically, our strength and conditioning sessions include high volume, high rep workouts. This wont support your body to gain muscle mass. It will however give you leaner, stronger more toned looking muscles!

We love weight training because amongst other things, it increases your lean muscle mass. This boosts your metabolism, will increase your overall fitness and strength and have you powering through the day in and out of the gym. Youll feel stronger and fitter than ever before!

So, we encourage our members to begin lifting heavier once they feel confident enough to. ‘Heavy’ is whatever is challenging for you. Remember ‘if it doesn’t challenge you it wont change you’.

Don’t play below the line. Step up in your own life. Be brave. The gym is a great place to practice self discipline and inner strength. You are always stronger than you believe!