May 30, 2020

On Tuesday Fitness Australia will be sharing a comprehensive overview of all things COVID -related. We have been working closely with Fitness Australia to ensure our reopening strategies will see The Training Room thrive – we want to be able to open, and stay open!

So, in wanting clarity from Fitness Australia – we believe it is best for us to continue to hold off on sharing our plans for Geelong Boxing Club when we reopen (but best believe it is all VERY exciting and we cannot wait to welcome you through our squeaky clean doors!)

Over the next couple of weeks, well before we reopen, we will be sharing:

– COVID-19 Plan + Updated Business Operations


– New timetable including extra sessions and a simple, online booking system that will reflect the mandatory restrictions

-Assumption of the Risk & Waiver of Liability relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19

-The future of Geelong Boxing Club Online Training Hub

If you have any pressing questions or concerns about your own safety once we reopen, we invite you to ask your questions below, or send us a direct message.

*The Covid-19 plan we will share with you will reflect all the steps and measures we have put in place to ensure Geelong Boxing Club complies with all requirements and advice for a COVID-19 safe environment. 

We look forward to working together with you, our members to ensure we all get exactly what we want – OUR GYM OPEN AND THE GOOD VIBES FLOWING FOREVER MORE! 

Subject to advice from the Vic Govt.